Welcome – Biointerfaces International Conference, 5th Edition

This is the online registration and abstract submission site for the Biointerfaces International Conference 2024 which will take place from August 20-23, 2024 at the FHNW Campus in Muttenz, near Basel.

During the registration and abstract submission process, you will be asked to create an account. With this account you can log in later, using the login box on the left side, to check your documents (invoice & ticket), edit your abstract or change your personal data.

Note: this site is best accessed using Firefox, Chrome or Safari.

If you are accessing the site on mobile, you can login to your account, register and manage abstracts by going to the top of the page, and clicking on the person icon.

For further information please visit the conference website https://biointerfaces.ch.

We look forward to your participation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.