This is the online registration site for the Conference "Educational institutions in Switzerland and their paradoxical contribution to social cohesion and disintegration", June 23rd/24th, 2022.
Venue: University of Basel (Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 1, Basel)
To register as a participant, please choose "Register as attendee". During the process you have to create an account. With this account you can log in later, using the login box on the left side, to check your documents (invoice & ticket) or change your personal data.
Note: For the browsers Firefox, Chrome and Safari the page of registration is optimized.
Congress Organisation
Regula Julia Leemann
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW
School of Education
Chair for Sociology of Education
Elena Makarova
University of Basel
Institute for Educational Sciences
Campus Muttenz
4132 Muttenz
Tel: +41 61 228 59 95
Congress Administration
Anita Niggli
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW
School of Education
Campus Brugg-Windisch
5210 Windisch
Tel: +41 56 202 77 78