General Conditions of Participation in Continuing Education Programmes (CAS, DAS, MAS) and Continuing Education Offers (seminars, conferences) at the School of Social Work of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland.

The Director of the School of Social Work (hereafter HSA) of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) issues a decree based on § 2 of the Continuing Education Regulations of the HSA FHNW of 1 October 2018.

1. Area of validity

These General Conditions of Participation apply to the following structured continuing education programmes of the HSA FHNW:

  • Master of Advanced Studies (MAS)
  • Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS)
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

as well as to the implementation of the following continuing education offers of the HSA FHNW:

  • Specialist seminars
  • Symposia

The following paragraphs take account of the factual differences between continuing education programmes and continuing education offers. It should therefore always first be verified whether the provision in question refers only to continuing education programmes or also to continuing education offers.

2. Content of continuing education / administration of justice

The content of the continuing education programme or offer is presented in the description of the respective programme or offer. The HSA FHNW reserves the right to make changes to the programme or offer and to the lecturers.

Participation in continuing education programmes is subject to the Continuing Education Regulations of the HSA FHNW (and accordingly, the corresponding administration of justice pursuant to § 13 ff. of the Continuing Education Regulations of the HSA FHNW) and the relevant Continuing Education Regulations with the corresponding programme description.

The courts in Brugg-Windisch shall have exclusive jurisdiction over disputes relating to continuing education offers.

3. Registration

Registration for continuing education programmes or offers is made in writing (online registration form or by post) to the HSA FHNW. Registrations are as a rule considered in the order in which they are received and confirmed in writing (electronically or by post).

Once the HSA FHNW has confirmed admission to the continuing education programme or offer, it is legally binding for both the participants and the HSA FHNW.

4. Fees/costs

Fees and terms of payment for the continuing education programmes and offers are in accordance with the course description (flyer) which was current at the time of registration. Costs for accommodation, meals and transport are not included. In the case of modular programmes, the modules are charged individually.

The fees (total or partial invoices) and any additional costs must be paid within 30 days of invoicing.

The participant must give written notice of any interruption to the continuing education and obtain prior approval from the management of the programme or offer. The fees due at the time of resumption must then be paid in accordance with the course description at the time of registration (flyer).

The repetition of modules that have not been passed or successfully completed is subject to a fee.
If the participant does not attend any part of a programme or offer or terminates the programme or offer prematurely, the full fees are still due. If the termination ensues for valid reasons (in particular due to illness), the management of the programme or offer must be informed immediately. If a medical certificate is sent to the management of the programme or offer within three working days of notification of the illness, all or part of the fees may be waived.

5. Cancellation by the participant

Any cancellations by the participant after confirmation of registration by the HSA FHNW must always be made in writing (electronically or by post; the postmark will be taken as the date of validity).

The HSA FHNW will charge a handling fee of CHF 250 for the cancellation of a continuing education programme or offer up to 8 weeks before the start of the programme or offer.

The HSA FHNW will charge 25% of the cost of the continuing education programme or offer for cancellations that take place between 8 weeks and 6 weeks before the start of the programme or offer.

The HSA FHNW will charge 50% of the cost of the continuing education programme or offer for cancellations that take place between 6 weeks and 2 weeks before the start of the programme or offer.

The HSA FHNW will charge 80% of the cost of the continuing education programme or offer for cancellations that take place less than 14 days before the start of the programme or offer.

6. Cancellation/postponement of programmes or offers by the HSA FHNW

The HSA FHNW reserves the right to cancel or postpone a continuing education programme or offer if not enough participants have registered for the programme or offer in question. The registered participants will be informed about the cancellation or postponement of a programme or offer no later than 30 days before the start of the programme or offer.

In the event of cancellation, the HSA FHNW will refund any fees already paid. In the event of postponement, the registered person may withdraw his/her registration within 14 days of
receiving the information in writing (electronically or by post; the postmark will be taken as the date of validity). In this case, the HSA FHNW will also reimburse the fees.

If individual parts of the event are cancelled (e.g. due to the illness of lecturers), the HSA FHNW will provide an equivalent offer on alternative dates. This means that no claims can be made against the HSA FHNW.

7. Insurance

It is the participant's responsibility to take out accident and liability insurance. The FHNW accepts no liability.

8. The handling of data and copyright

The data protection regulations of the FHNW apply to the handling of data.

The teaching material is protected by copyright. Unauthorised copying and unauthorised dissemination outside the HSA FHNW are prohibited without the written permission of the programme management.

The author of MAS, diploma, certificate and project work holds the copyright for these. The author grants the HSA FHNW a free, unlimited, non-exclusive right to make use of the results of his or her work.

After completion, the work may be used both by the HSA FHNW and by the author free of charge, stating the authorship and the continuing education programme or offer of the HSA FHNW in the context of which it was created.

9. Entry into force

These General Conditions of Participation will enter into force on 1 October 2018.

Olten, 20 June 2018

Issued by:
Professor. Agnès Fritze
Director of the School of Social Work, HSA FHNW

Noted by the University Management of the HSA FHNW on 20 June 2018.